Thursday, December 23, 2010

winning the race

losing the race never means that you wont win it, it means you're just one step behind

race towards success

I'm losing the race but you also did not win it yet....

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Three dreamer

There are three types of people, the one who being a dreamer, the one who live up the dream and the one who did not dream at all. The first one is useless, the second one is a warrior and the third one is a coward.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Moving on

When things are done, then it's time to move on because the locked door wont open anymore no matter what key you are using.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


i flip back my old writing and notice how suffering i am in facing those obstacles in the older time. But guess what, here i am today and survive the hardship. Now, i'm facing another difficulties and nearly give up. I should push myself harder because i will pass through it. If i can make it before, then why not now?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


the epic will not necessarily ends even after the hero dies tragically because another hero will rise and shine....

Sunday, December 5, 2010

the third choice

When you are stuck with two choices that lead you to the blind end, you will think that death is the easiest and less painful solution for you to deal with. But often you forget, even if you lose both choices, there will always come the third choices after all the frustration, sadness and suffering. And this third choice wont even come if you choose to die.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

retreat and planning

learn to admit your failure even though it's painful. Sometimes you need to know when to retreat and aim for another goal.


You may taste the pain of thousands failure or demolish it with the smell of one glory.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

wanita itu bagaikan pelangi

Seindah mana pun pelangi, ia tetap mainan jiwa.Hanya mampu dikagumi namun tidak dapat disentuh, dirasai atau dihidu.begitu jualah keindahan muslimah yang masih belum halal untuk diri muslim.tiada yang bisa dilakukan selain mengagumi keindahan diri dan peribadi.

Friday, October 8, 2010


wanita umpama air laut.. kelihatan tenang dan mendamaikan. namun sekali ia membawa badai, segalanya habis musnah. ia mengambil masa untuk kembali tenang. begitu juga timbunan yang musnah, perlu mengambil masa untuk dibangunkan kembali


penantian itu sememangnya satu penyeksaan kerana ia memamah setiap tubuhmu. Hatimu gelisah dan jiwamu resah.

Monday, October 4, 2010

surviving the medical school

I have faith that i will survive this medical school and become a great & outstanding doctor, not because I'm a genius or work hard but simply because of the power of prayer. the prayer from my parent, my siblings, my patients, my friends, my blog readers and everybody who know me. insyaALLAH!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Hidup untuk memberi

Biarku derita tapi dapat membahagiakan yang lain agar mereka tidak merasa pedih yang sama.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Experience shape the confidence

I asked one AP at my hospital how to gain confidence in managing the patient because I'm too nervous and get freak out. He said; "Relax, you're not even a doctor yet. I've become a doctor for more than 15 years. Take your time slowly." Maybe my mistake is that I'm too ambitious in gaining thing in a short period of time.

Self Potential

I came across with one quote in a motivational book. "There is a sleeping giant in within yourself, you need to wake it up to be successful". However the giant inside me has hibernate for too long and difficult to be waken up. Until now, I'm still trying to wake it up so that i can have a maximum impact on my life.

winning the battle

Even though you are strong, you still losing the battle if you did not know how to fight.

learning method

When you have your own method that you're familiar with, then you make learning more enjoyable and understandable. you will never bother about other method even from a famous person. please don't be too rigid by making it compulsory for others to follow your method.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

fighting hard

I'm not a genius but I'm simply not a person who easily give up as well. No matter how hard it is, i must keep on fighting until there is a clear need for me to retreat. Before that moment come, i will remain as a warrior.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Allah plans

We have plans but often we forgot that Allah also did. sometimes HIS plan did not parallel with what we want. HE moves all his plans as according to what HE intends to do and HE definitely knows the best out of it. Therefore, be patience and accept HIS wills. Always think positive in whatever happen. Be faithful and thankful


It is not a sin to love someone. What make it a sin is when you expect the person to love you back. When there is no more hope in it, you just need to know the right time to withdraw from keep bearing false hope.

Monday, September 27, 2010


You need to overcome the misery in order to attain happiness

Hunting the uncertainity

There's nothing more hurting than hunting the keeps eating you a little by little. the outcome is hard to predict as you are fighting with un clear objective and un- measured parameters. how i wish things are more simpler than this


Life is wonderful if you can perceive it beautifully. it can turn the sorrow into joy and darkness to the light. be positive and attract all the good energy around you


Assumption often leads to the dead end with full of false accusation. the best is to get to the source. but when the door to the source is closed, then the only thing that live up is the assumption.

Door of happiness

When one door of happiness close, others will open. but it's hard to move to another door as we are uncertain whether the closed door is locked or not. sometimes, there's still a hope to open it. it just a matter of time and willingness to taste the suffering.

The life of a doctor

People always see the 'popular' life of a doctor despite of it's complicated way of life. when you save a patient, then you're hero. if patient die, then you're murderer despite of thousands patient that you save.

Right and Responsibility

We always stand up and fight for our right and yet we always forget to think about our responsibility; for every right must always come together with responsibility.


As we all grow older, we forget that we also grew ego together with us. this ego keep on growing until it become very big and try to control us. we lose our mind to it and we feel proud of ourself until it prevents learning process.

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